Taste Travel: Etna Wines

Words by Belmond Editors
A woman in a white shirt with shoulder-length uses scissors to cut a bunch of grapes from a hanging vine that glows in sun.

With her majestic presence and nutrient-rich soil, Etna has watched over Sicily for millennia. To mark 150 years of Grand Hotel Timeo, we celebrate ‘la muntagna’ in a new film.

Meet Head Sommelier Veronica Bonelli, for an introduction to the world of Eta wines as she unveils anecdotes and the stories behind the grape varieties. Then, follow Michele Faro, owner of the Pietradolce winery, as he explores the crafts and traditions of the local Etna grape harvest — resulting this year in the creation of a unique bottle of Etna wine, exclusively designed for our iconic residence. Unearth the history and flavours of Etna wines, and raise a glass to 150 years of the Grand Hotel Timeo.

Taste Travel

Etna Wines

At Ristorante Timeo, a waitress presents wine to a couple at a table with spectacular sunsest views of the Bay of Naxos.
1 minute 15 seconds

Watch the director's cut of Taste Travel: Etna Wines on YouTube.

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