Cookie Policy
Last updated 18 March 2021
Belmond and Cookies
We use cookies and other tracking technologies on websites owned by Belmond to improve our websites and deliver a better and more personalised service.
We do not associate the information in a cookie we place on your browser with any other personal data about you. Some cookies and similar technologies are provided by third parties. We do not control third-party technology and we are not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.
You can visit for further information about how cookies and similar tracking technologies work.
Managing Cookies on our Websites
When you first access our websites, you will receive a clear notice advising you that the website you are visiting intends to use cookies. You can let us know what (if any) cookies you accept by either:
(i) Clicking the “Accept and Continue” button to accept all cookies.
(ii) Going to the “Cookies Settings” link and choosing which types of cookies you wish to accept.
(iii) Clicking the “X” on our cookies notice banner. No cookies other than Strictly Necessary Cookies (as defined below) will be placed on your browser if you choose this option.
You can manage your cookies using the 'Cookie Settings' button below:
What exactly are “cookies” and which cookies do we use?
If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our use of cookies and similar technologies in general, please email our Belmond Group Data Protection Officer at dpo@belmond.comor write to us at:
Belmond Group Data Protection Officer
Belmond Management Limited
4B Victoria House
Bloomsbury Square
From 1 January 2021, Belmond has an appointed Representative for data protection matters (including cookies) in the EU, as required under European data protection legislation. If you reside in the EU, you can also contact us by writing our EU Representative (and/or emailing the Belmond Group Data Protection Officer at
Belmond Group EU Representative
Belmond Italia S.p.A.
Via B. Cavalieri 4
20121 Milan
In the unlikely event that you wish to lodge a complaint about our collection, transfer or processing of your personal data, you can lodge a complaint with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office which is the Supervisory Authority of Belmond Management Limited, or the Supervisory Authority in your country of residence.